Tuesday, August 2, 2011


sURE I could have shown you a tidy systems rack I put together, but the reality of the situation is, once a backbone is in place you end up with cable just sitting around for when you need to make repairs. nO one just sits in a server room admiring their 5 year old work on a daily basis.
 tHIS should be a surprise to no one, but for some reason there is a great idea in the air that a sys-admin has access to knowledge restricted from rest of mankind.
 vISITING colleges I always meet nerds who claim that if they were admins all the PCs in a business would be liquid cooled gaming systems....just like the one they "built" at home with an oc'd pENTIUM2
yES I have a multi-monitor setup at work and at home, but it doesn't mean I always want to be running 50 applications with 900 windows open. sOMETIMES it's nice to look an icon free desktop and just enjoy your wallpaper

(i know there are only 8 photos instead of the 10 I stated earlier, but it's my blog and I can be lazy if I want)

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